
Please check out the video clip before reading! It totally sets the stage for the following post!
    There are 
so many shops in Akihabara that in order to stand out Japanese go to unique and drastic measures. Like this young aspiring rapper above!

Akihabara - A.K.A. Electric town. When people think of Tokyo and its tightly crammed streets with bright lights and loud solicitors with microphones, Akihabara is actually the section of town they're thinking about. This area is one of the most highly trafficked places in Tokyo, packed with tourists, Manga geeks, and solicitors. Akihabara serves several functions. Firstly, you can buy electronics here dirt cheap. PC, Audio, Visual, and any other types of equipment you may need are sold here. Including L.E.D. lights and Digital cameras. The Amazing thing about Akihabara is that like the black market, you can buy and sell used appliances. It's Great!

I had to sell my MP3 player recently and made out like a bandit with the sale. It was so much easier just to hop on the Yamanote line and sell it here in person for cash on the spot than going though the whole listing process online. One of the best things is that even though you may be unfamiliar with the area and in's and out's of buying/purchasing here, almost everyone is willing to help you get things done. 

Buying used software and products is actually quite a trustworthy enterprise and its not uncommon to see used and completely functional lab tops in the lows hundreds price range. 
This place is perfect for its functionality(its an electronics trading market) but the cool thing is that it definately facilitates the tourist and gives you something to look at. The bright lights and hustle and bustle of sales is the epitomy of Japan!

Another cool feature and unique bit about Akihabara are the Akihabara Maids! It's and interesting marketing technique but check out the pic above to see these ladies in action.

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