Textbooks and Learning Tools


Genki 1 is an excellent first book, I've been using it for quite some time right now and am finding it very easy to follow. The best thing about it is that it is definately producing results for me.  It comes with a CD and a workbook for you to track and your progress and review each lesson. 
If you a getting started with japanese I would definately recommend this to be your first textbook. 


Rosetta Stone: Japanese; in conjunction with my other learning materials I am also using Rosetta Stone for Japanese to help me with my listening and speaking. Although, I live in Japan it is very difficult to find someone to talk too who is willing and patient enough to answer pronouciation questions. In my humble opinion Rosetta Stone is not the knight in Shining armour its made out to be. I am basically using it because I spent 200 american dollars on it and anytime I drop that amount of money I make sure its worth the investment. 


Minno no nihongo and Hiragana times are also other resources my friends are using. I personally have no experience with them but I believe Hiragana times is geared more for the advanced staged learners. 

Any questions about things just ask!

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